18–20 Oct 2022
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

ROSE-L SAR Instrument Thermal Design

19 Oct 2022, 12:30


thermal design (for platforms, instruments etc.) Thermal Design


Mr Arne Sauer


The presentation deals with the thermal design of the SAR Instrument of the ROSE-L Copernicus Mission.
The thermal design of a SAR instrument is very challenging for needing to be in line with a maximum possible heat discharge into space via radiator (often the same as the RF radiator) to keep the high dissipative Front End units in line with the requirements and at the same time, the heater power demand must remain in a reasonable range.
The presentation will comprise the design of the thermal subsystem with respect to applied thermal hardware as coatings, foils & isolation, dissipative unit placement, interface management, etc. as well as performed trade-offs in order to determine the optimal thermal design.
Also the results of thermal confidence tests performed with structure mock-ups to determine the conductivity along the thermal path from dissipative Front End unit to thermal radiator will be presented.

Primary author

Presentation materials