18–20 Oct 2022
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


19 Oct 2022, 09:00


thermal analysis and software tools Thermal Analysis


Ms Léa Galeron (Airbus Defence & Space) Mathieu Lepilliez (Airbus Defence & Space)


This year, the latest Long Term Support Version of Systema has been issued. The last active one was Systema 4.8.3P3, and it is now replaced by Systema 4.9.2.

The V4.9.2 version of Systema-Thermica has already been released and is available to users since September 2022. This new version provides some enhanced ergonomic features affecting the model creation process, such as choosing between local or global referential to apply transformations when using the gizmo and using drag and drop in the model tree.

Moreover some STEP-TAS improvements have been added, following the line of work that is in progress since 2020. Among other features, material phases and sentinel value are now supported.

Finally some improvements on the Python API, now embedding an extensive Python 2.7.18 distribution, with several packages for scientific computation and applications (matplotlib, pandas…). The console changed as well, and is now based on Jupyter, with a large number of options provided (such as auto-completion, embedded help and method descriptions).

Thermica embeds also new capabilities such as modelling a source of UV or IR emission with a Solar lamp and exporting the Solar Zenith Angle.

Primary authors

Ms Léa Galeron (Airbus Defence & Space) Mathieu Lepilliez (Airbus Defence & Space)

Presentation materials