18–20 Oct 2022
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

pySINAS: New STEP-FEM overlap module

20 Oct 2022, 11:30


mapping of thermal results to mechanical models and guidelines for thermo-elastic (for thermal part) Thermal Analysis


Mr Alberto Pemán (ATG Europe B.V.)


pySINAS is a python version of the SINAS tool that was developed by ESA in recent years. This tool is normally used to map temperatures from lumped parameter based thermal analysis results to a finite element model to calculate the structure’s thermo-elastic response. Since the development of the simplified python version of the tool, the number of pySINAS users has grown yet many have found the generation of the overlap input file (correspondence of FEM elements to thermal nodes) an insurmountable task for large and/or complex models. A new pySINAS module has been developed that will automatically generate the overlap file in a simple and efficient way.

This presentation will provide a practical example of the usage of this module. The objective of this example is to use it as a quick start guide of the module and to highlight the module’s main benefits and limitations.

Primary authors

Mr Alberto Pemán (ATG Europe B.V.) Mr Alexander van Oostrum (ATG Europe B.V.) Mr Arturo González-Llana (ATG Europe B.V.)

Presentation materials