18–20 Oct 2022
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

An Approach to Thermal Modeling and Analysis with Systema - Thermica

19 Oct 2022, 10:00


thermal analysis and software tools Thermal Analysis


Ms Shehna Sagaria (Space Structures GmbH)


Airbus Systema-Thermica is widely used in the European Space sector for thermal design and analysis for years. This presentation provides a brief look into the thermal processes for system level thermal analysis encompassing geometry building, thermo-physical and optical properties definition, TMM generation, and environment definition. In this presentation we address the modelling approaches and underlying assumptions, as well as their implementation in Systema.

This work also introduces some additional checks on the complete thermal models to ensure their validity, similarly to the model checks for structural finite elements models. It mainly includes mass check and conductance check through a GL matrix at global and local levels.

Furthermore, some unique examples of thermal models are shown where multiple mission phases and pointing are considered in the same analysis; analysis considering transient dissipation of components based on the pointing, eclipse, and sun exposure. Additionally, modeling of dynamic kinematics for a body is shown.

Finally, some small pointers are provided that are useful while working with Systema/Thermica.

Primary author

Ms Shehna Sagaria (Space Structures GmbH)

Presentation materials