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18–20 Oct 2022
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Thermal analysis of hyperspectral optical instrument with emphasis on electronics heat dissipation

18 Oct 2022, 12:00


thermal analysis and software tools Thermal Analysis


Kacper Kuta


Thermal analysis of hyperspectral optical instrument with emphasis on electronics heat dissipation

Thermal behavior of any optical instrument requires thorough analysis – either to prevent it from negatively affecting optical properties or to ensure operations safety.

An under development hyperspectral imaging optical instrument (OI) designed to Intuition-1 nanosatellite was subdued to thermal numerical analysis as well as preliminary experimental investigation.

In this work an attempt was made to create numerical model of mentioned optical instrument. Three cases were analyzed:

  • Behavior in Earth’s atmospheric conditions while pointing OI at Sun.
  • End of detumbling process on orbit with sun passing through diagonal
    of OIs field of view.
  • Identification of maximum time of consecutive Earth imaging in orbit.

Those thermal scenarios were simulated in Simcenter FloEFD software. This tool was first tried in such application by company's thermal team. Based on that, we would like to share with engineering community the pros and cons of the FloEFD utilization to challenges which we were facing. Highlights list presented below is covering specific software topics which we were facing on.


Utilized software has been used to:

  • Setup of optical properties (wavelength dependent refractive index,
    absorptivity and emissivity etc.)
  • Setup of thermal properties (material and contact resistances, etc.)
  • Earths radiation simulation with diffusive light source and defined
    sunlight spectrum
  • Solar radiation simulation with sunrays direction based on position
    and time on Earth
  • Time-dependent study with parametrically changing boundary conditions
    and mesh

Optical instrument sub-elements and the whole OI were preliminarily tested, and experiments results used in attempt to perform numerical analysis correlation.

Primary author


Presentation materials