10–13 Oct 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Outcomes of the PERIOD project on In-Space Manufacturing, Assembly and Refuelling Technologies

13 Oct 2022, 10:00
Auditorium in the Erasmus building

Auditorium in the Erasmus building

In-Orbit Servicing In-Orbit Servicing


Stéphane Estable (Airbus)
What is the field of your abstract? In-orbit servicing

Primary author


Mr Francisco Javier Colmenero (GMV) Mrs Wiebke Brinkmann (DFKI) Marko Jankovic (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH) and University of Bremen) Mrs Annelies Ampe (ISISPACE) Mr Apostolos Chamos (EASN-TIS) Gwenaëlle Aridon (Airbus DS) Romain Caujolle (Airbus Defence & Space) Mr Daniel Silveira (GMV) Mrs Isabel Soto (SENER Aeroespacial) Mr Jeremi Gancet (Space Application Services) Mr Andres Martin Barrio (Space Application Services) Mr Alexandru But (Space Application Services) Mark Shilton (Airbus DS Ltd) Mr Torsten Vogel (Airbus) Mr Sebastian Bartsch (Airbus) Mr Marc Manz (Airbus) Mr Ingo Ahrns (Airbus)

Presentation materials