Dec 12 – 14, 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Improving the overall system efficiency from detection, through orbit determination and consolidation

Dec 12, 2022, 3:40 PM
Room H.I (ESOC)

Room H.I


Robert-Bosch-Str. 5 64293 Darmstadt Germany


F. Bernardi (SpaceDyS) G.B. Valsecchi (INAF / SpaceDyS) A. Bertolucci (SpaceDyS)


The imminent impactors are a challenge for the overall system, because we expect they are generally small in size and discovered just a few days or even few hours before the impact, as was the case for 2008 TC3, 2014 AA and others. The time, therefore, is the biggest concern and the system must react quickly and efficiently, trying to involve as soon as possible worldwide professionals but also amateurs. In this presentation we show the state of the art and the weak points of the present system, and we propose some solutions aiming to improve the efficiency and reactivity of the overall system, such as the NEOScan tool developed in NEODyS and the priority lists.

Presentation materials