2–6 Oct 2023
ANTIPOLIS - Palais des Congrès d'Antibes
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Design of an Edge Computing Space Board through the example of a Reference Design based on Quad ARM® Cortex®-A72 processing module

6 Oct 2023, 09:20
Salle Ella Fitzgerald (145)

Salle Ella Fitzgerald (145)

Presentation Use of Digital and Mixed-signal Components in OBC / OBDP and in Data/Signal Processing Systems (Reference Designs) Session 28 - OBDH Hardware: New Developments in ICUs & DPUs - Part 3


Thomas Porchez (Teledyne e2v) Wilfrid BERTRAND (Teledyne e2v) Thomas GUILLEMAIN (Teledyne e2v)

Primary authors

Thomas Porchez (Teledyne e2v) Wilfrid BERTRAND (Teledyne e2v) Thomas GUILLEMAIN (Teledyne e2v)

Presentation materials