The existing EcosimPro application libraries make it a useful tool for a wide range of applications:
Standard libraries
These libraries - fit for general purpose modeling - include disciplines such as control, mechanical, electric and electronic systems or thermal networks. Common mathematical functions and constants or basic functions for performing optimization experiments are also included.
Space Systems libraries
• ESPSS, a state of the art tool for modelling rocket engines validated by the industry through experimental tests
• Environmental Control and Life Support Systems including typical phenomena and equipment such as cabins, crew, heat exchangers, pipes, chemical reactions, etc.
• Power and electrical systems, thermal control, AOCS simulation, etc.

Model of an Air Management System
Power Plants/industrial gas turbines libraries
• Fluid analysis of complex systems linked to heat transfer processes and control diagrams
• Thermal balance studies of cycles in the operation of power plants
• Industrial processes such as chemical reactions, distillation, evaporation and boiling, etc.
• Gas turbine systems (only in PROOSIS): simulation of any gas turbine configuration together with its auxiliary systems such as fuel supply or lubrication
• Cryogenic systems: dynamic simulation of large cryogenic installations
• Tritium: transport phenomena and physicochemical processes related to the extraction and purification of tritium for Fusion Nuclear Energy
• Desalination systems: reverse osmosis process and thermal desalination
• New incoming applications under development such as renewable energies and smart grids