Sep 19 – 21, 2023
ESTEC, The Netherlands
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


The ESPSS is organized in a set of thematic libraries running on EcosimPro and covering the following disciplines: 

  • Fluid properties database 
  • Combustion systems 
  • Piping and tanks 
  • Turbomachinery 
  • Satellite subsystems 
  • External Aerothermodynamics

The palettes of components allow the user to build graphically complex models quickly and to add new components to the library. 

FLUID-FLOW-1D Library palette of components

COMB_CHAMBERS Palette of components

ESPSS provides a state-of-the-art tool in propulsion systems analysis successfully validated with the help of analytical solutions (1D Pipe & Combustor models), experiments entailing priming cases, two-phase tank filling processes, the Ariane 5 ESC-A upper stage, etc.

EcosimPro/ESPSS is used widely by many aerospace companies for modelling sophisticated rocket and satellite propulsion systems. It is also being used to model new concepts of propulsion systems that could represent significant milestones in future propulsion systems, including hybrid propulsion, electric propulsion, and more recently, green propulsion.