ESPSS software can be used for complex fluid systems definition under transient and steady conditions, mission analysis, impact studies, investigation of anomalies and optimization, among others. It comprises:
- Simulation of ground, spacecraft and launch vehicle propulsion systems under transient and steady conditions
- Propulsion system with two-fluid mixtures under gas, liquid and two-phase flow regimes for a wide database of working
- Studies of water hammer, pressure drop, priming processes, etc. in fluid networks
- Hydraulic and pneumatic systems, equipment and combustors, with heat transfer and controls loops coupled together
- Transient simulation of liquid, solid and hybrid rocket engines
- Simulation of ramjet engines
- Orbital and attitude motion of satellites.
- Performance analysis and design of space engines
- Electrical propulsion systems
- Modeling of combustors, heat-exchangers, turbo-machinery, pumps, tanks, etc.

Model of liquid film cooled combustor

Model of a Pressure Circuit of LOx, with a complex control logic

Results of a priming simulation inside the monitor