
The new ESA Zero Debris design and operation requirements, applicable to all ESA missions, introduce many new and challenging aspects to be addressed in early mission design. For spacecraft operated in the protected LEO or GEO region, the orbit determination accuracy shall be estimated and is required to stay within specified limits. To support mission designers in such an assessment, ESA and OKAPI:Orbits have upgraded the DRAMA software with additional functionalities to assess spacecraft trackability in view of a space surveillance network.

Workshop objectives

The goal of this workshop is to introduce space surveillance and tracking (SST) service providers, as well as sensor operators to the tool developments made. That tool makes implicit (not exposed to a user) assumptions on sensor and networks characteristics. Many required parameters are of course difficult to estimate without contributions from the sensor operators, but drive the results at spacecraft and operational level. Spacecraft operators may use the tool to better assess the impact of the observing network on their mission. SST providers and sensor operators may further benefit from such exchange as their sensors (and networks thereof) are more likely to be integrated in assessments made and verified by the community.

The workshop aims to start a discussion on the accuracy of the estimated (default) parameters and identify the commercial and institutional SST services for customers. An additional and aligned goal is to make the community around this subject aware of its members and different roles and identify key areas of potential collaboration towards a better characterisation of key ground- (and space-) based assets in view of the requirements. While it is understood that sensor characteristics cannot always be disclosed or openly shared, another topic of discussion during this workshop would be how the respective requirements can be verified without the need for explicit disclosure.


This workshop is free of charge and all international SST service providers and sensor operators are welcome to participate 

Registration for this event is currently open.