Fernando Martinez
As advanced at previous communications at AMICSA 2012 and 2016, the
European Space Components Coordination (ESCC) system has evolved in recent
years in order to adapt its methodologies for Qualification. The most
recent developments of possible interest for the AMICSA community may be:
- the recent approval by the ESCC Policy and Standards Working Group of a
so-called Single Phase Qualification (SPQ) approach for microcircuits
- the launch of a working group aimed at delivering in 2018 a new scheme
for the certification of Assembly and Test Houses (ATH)
This paper will describe the principles of implementation SPQ as set in
the forthcoming update of ESCC 9000 and the progress in the preparation of
the ATH certification scheme. A special focus may be set on new
opportunities (new product, new suppliers, a "controlled shortcut" to full
Qualification ) which open up now that these developments are underway. The
paper will provide as well a summary of the basic requirements applicable
to any ESCC Qualification so the AMICSA audience may understand better
whether there is anything in it for their activities and products
Primary author
Fernando Martinez
Peer reviewing
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