The presented radiation detection device X-CHIP-03 is a monolithic silicon detection chip based on 180 nm SoI technology. The chip consists of square pixel cells with a 60 $\mu$m pitch forming an array of 64 x 64 pixels covering an active surface of 3.84 x 3.84 mm$^2$. X-CHIP-03 has two operation modes – hit counting mode and ADC mode dedicated to the measurement of deposited energy in pixels.
Among other applications, X-CHIP-03 serves as a technology demonstrator for the SpacePix ASIC, which will be a key component of SpacePix Radiation Monitor (SXRM) - a new detector designed for space dosimetry with wide dynamic range and logarithmic amplifier.
One of the requirements to meet such a challenging task is a disponibility of sufficient SEU tolerance. For the evaluation of SEU cross-section of X-CHIP03, data from irradiation by protons and various ions (helium, carbon, xenon, argon, neon) were used.
Besides SEU measurement, a response to radionuclide sources of $^{55}$Fe and $^{238}$Pu was evaluated to demonstrate the universality of X-CHIP-03 usage.