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25–29 Nov 2019
Europe/Amsterdam timezone
Registration for FIMU4SPACE2019 is open!

Grants Application

Up to 3 students from among the enrolled will be granted with the refund of their registration fee.

To apply it is a requirement to be a student and be previously registered in the course by paying the corresponding registration fee. Just send us your CV by email ( in which you tell us that you want to apply for one of the grants explaining the reasons why you think you should be selected for.

Once the registration deadline has been reached, or in case of the maximum number of registrations has been reached before, we will close the acceptance of grants applications.

Among all the candidates we will select the best 3, and will contact them to request the necessary documentation to make them the refund of their paid registration fee.

Deadline to submit applications: Nov 17th 

The week before the course the selected students will be informed by email.