November 28, 2019
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

The GR740 User Day presentations are available for download.

The GR740 device is a radiation-hard system-on-chip featuring a quad-core fault-tolerant LEON4 SPARC V8 processor, eight-port SpaceWire router, PCI initiator/target interface, CAN 2.0 interfaces and 10/100/1000 Mbit Ethernet interfaces.

The GR740 has been designed as the European Space Agency's Next Generation Microprocessor (NGMP) and is part of the ESA roadmap for standard microprocessor components. The GR740 is the first rad-hard implementation of the NGMP system-on-chip architecture.


The GR740 processor is now used for various developments, in the frame of ESA or other national and international projects. To facilitate collaboration and to share experience between users, a GR740 User Day has been organised, where invited speakers will present applications of, and experiences with, the GR740 microprocessor. All presentation will be made available after the Workshop.​​

The GR740 User Day will take place in the Erasmus Auditorium and is free of charge and will be open to the public. The Erasmus Auditorium at ESA's technical heart ESTEC in The Netherlands.

Complimentary coffee and cakes will be served in the morning and afternoon breaks.

Erasmus Auditorium


Note that the BRAVE FPGA Days will take place at ESTEC on 26th and 27th of November. Please contact NanoXplore to make a separate registration for that event.

NanoXplore BRAVE FPGA Day



The GR740 User Day is hosted by ESA and Cobham Gaisler.


Cobham Gaisler