Traditionally, Rad-Hard Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM)/ Brushless DC (BLDC) motor control uses the Field Oriented Control (FOC) method and is implemented using a Field Programmable Grid Array (FPGA) for the digital control portion and the drive and sense power/analog circuits are built using available Rad-Hard discrete or simple integrated circuits. This yields a relatively large size and mass electronic system but drive performance can also be very good (i.e. high speed and high accuracy of the control loop). A solution to optimize the cost and size is to use a highly integrated Analog Front End AFE (e.g. LX7720 Spacecraft Motor Controller with Position Sensing) together with an FPGA. This solution (https://www.microsemi.com/product-directory/space-system-managers/3708-position-motor-controller-ic) lowers the size, mass and cost of the overall implementation and keeps the high speed and high accuracy performance. If, however the very high loop speed is not necessary, it would be desirable to have a smaller, less complex solution. This paper describes what must be implemented to use a high speed rad-hard AFE together with a lower speed rad-hard microprocessor (MCU) for cost and size optimized PMSM drive electronics that runs a sensor-ed FOC control method implemented in software. The AFE + microprocessor solution was successfully prototyped, and measured data is presented.
When faced with the problem of reading data output of Rad-hard, high precision delta sigma modulators DSMthe classical approach is to use an FPGA and implement a form of low pass decimation filter to convert the single bit delta sigma digital stream to a lower bit rate higher word length (e.g. 16-bit or more) parallel representation suitable for control, data acquisition or Digital Signal Processing DSP applications. Figure 1 shows a canonical implementation of a sinc3 decimation filter that processes data from a second order DSM. Performance of this type of processing is well known in the literature. Additionally, for applications with frequent single event or other glitch-type disturbances designers use a nonlinear filter to make the design more robust.
Figure 1. Canonical implementation of sinc3 decimation filter
The traditional approach works well and can yield high frequency of operation but requires the use of an FPGA which could already be used for other aspects of the application. Particularly for motor/actuator control applications, where required speed is limited by the mechanical/inertial properties of the system, the usage of an FPGA could be wasteful. Additionally, software is more of a commodity than hardware/FPGA development so design cycle could be faster if using an MCU. Therefore, it is desirable from a cost optimization perspective to use the current sense sigma delta modulators from a highly integrated AFE like LX7720 together with an MCU like SAMRH71. Because of the low speed/parallel nature of data input path in an MCU, the system needs to decimate the DSM data as quickly and as hardware-free as possible. One possible implementation is to build a two-stage decimation filter, the first stage could use a sinc1 filter and have a simple counter as the first integrator stage. Then, the data is sampled via the counter’s parallel output by the MCU at a low enough first decimation frequency. The second stages of filtering are done in software and executes at the first decimation frequency and, after a second higher order decimation filter, at the output decimation frequency. The single event filter can be inserted between the sinc1 and second decimation filter (sinck) see figure 2. In this example the first counter uses a 4-bit up-down synchronous counter, followed by a decimation by 15 that lowers the data rate from 1-bit at 30Msps to 4-bit at 2Msps. If this is followed by a sinck decimation filter with a decimation by 128 it yields results of 16-bits at 15.6ksps. Simulation results to showcase the resulting performance will be provided including SNR, latency and single even upset (SEU) filter response.
Figure 2. MCU-friendly decimation filter for LX7720 DSM outputs.
Luckily SAMRH71 has the capability to implement the above-mentioned external function using an internal timer/counter channel so there is no need for an external counter IC. Use a counter/timer available on the microprocessor. Sampling for decimation is done using a periodic interrupt generated by another timer/counter channel. Figure 3 shows a block diagram of the Motor Control application of LX7720 and SAMRH71.
Figure 3. SAMRH71 and LX7720 MC application block diagram
A prototype was assembled using two evaluation boards for the two chips mentioned before. A traditional motor control software stack was adapted to the acquisition/DSP used for acquiring two/three current channels DSM outputs. Three SAMRH71 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) resources are used to drive six LX7720 gate drivers. Three of the LX7720 level shifters are used to adapt the 5V position encoder outputs to the MCU IO voltage levels.
The paper will present data captured from the motor control demonstrator application
A cost/performance optimized solution using AFE+MCU for radiation hardened motor control was successfully demonstrated. In order to further simplify the application work could be done to integrate the application completely.