The registration fee is 90€ for participants (60€ for accompanying persons) and it will be paid upon your arrival to cover the cost of the welcome reception, the coffee breaks and the conference dinner. You are required to register and book your accommodation by Sunday 15 September 2019. We have a block booking of rooms at a special price of 95€ (single occupancy) and 120€ per day (double occupancy) which includes breakfast (American Buffet) and full Buffet lunch with drinks and beverages.
There are only 42 rooms in the hotel and they will be reserved on a first come, first served basis. Please indicate the code “Geant4 Space Users Workshop” to get the special rate. Complete information on room reservation can be found under “Accommodation”.
NOTE: Your name, affiliation and email address will be displayed in the public registrations list. Please send us an email if you want to keep this info private. Thanks for your collaboration!