Oct 8 – 10, 2019
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Oct 9, 2019, 9:30 AM
Newton 2

Newton 2

thermal analysis and software tools Thermal Analysis and Software Tools


Mathieu Lepilliez (Airbus Defence & Space)


The Long-Term Support version of Systema-Thermica V4.8.3 is released and available to users. This new LTS version was warmly welcomed by the users. It includes many features such as the convection module, improvements of the user experience and model exchange features. Minor corrections were implemented in the first patch of this LTS version, the V4.8.3P1, released in fall of this year.

The next official release Systema-Thermica V4.9.0 is currently planned for spring of next year. In this future version, the Orekit library will be embedded into Systema-Thermica. This refactoring will ease the import of trajectories and attitudes defined in other software and will enhance the accuracy of in-orbit computations.

Moreover, the Systema UI ergonomics will be improved. We believe that this continuous effort throughout the versions will contribute to a better user experience on the long term.

In Systema V4.8.3, the Python API is now more accessible. It embeds a Python console directly in the UI as well as user-defined toolbars to access your own Python scripts. Systema V4.9.0 will enrich the capabilities of the API regarding the kinematics and trajectory aspects.

Primary authors

Mathieu Lepilliez (Airbus Defence & Space) Mrs Delphine Cayrol-Midan (Airbus Defence & Space) Mr Antoine Caugant (Airbus Defence & Space)

Presentation materials