Oct 8 – 10, 2019
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Sentinel-1 thermally activated Separation Bracket

Oct 9, 2019, 2:00 PM
Newton 1

Newton 1

thermal design (for platforms, instruments etc.) Thermal Testing


Arne Sauer (Airbus Defence and Space GmbH)


The presentation deals with the design, function and qualification process of a thermally activated separation bracket. This new principle was developed for Sentinel-1 C&D in order to support the satellites demise and thus avoid satellite parts hitting the ground after re-entry.
The principle is based on a soldered cup-cone fixation between antenna and bus. During re-entry, as soon as a temperature of around 140°C is reached at the fixation, the separation bracket is activated and "unsolders", thus the antenna is separated from the bus. This configuration reduces significantly the risk of satellite components hitting the ground after re-entry.

Primary authors

Christian Lausch (Airbus Defence and Space GmbH) Dr Mathias von Alberti (Airbus Defence and Space GmbH) Mr Sebastian Schwarz (Airbus Defence and Space GmbH) Mr Stephen Diel (Airbus Defence and Space GmbH) Arne Sauer (Airbus Defence and Space GmbH)

Presentation materials