Artificial Intelligence (AI) is another one tool that humans need (among the others) for their lust for survival, comfort, improvement of quality of life, and reduction of tedious mental labour. But lots of human activities and efforts for making AI deviate a lot from this idea. This is due to the difficulty of understanding, grasping, and combining fundamental concepts from different fields...
CloudScout is a project financed by the European Space Agency and run by a European consortium led by cosine Remote Sensing, participated by University of Pisa, Sinergise and Ubotica technologies. The project targets the development, and for the first time ever the in-orbit demonstration, of an Artificial Intelligence based algorithm for cloud detection.
The inference is applied on images...
In the scope of the GSTP program, Fraunhofer INT will perform radiation tests and functional verification tests on COTS components under contract of the European Space Agency. It's key points are twofold: First it's to identify and test available COTS components whose functionality or properties would greatly benefit the space community. This will make use of the so-called spin-in approach....
Spacecraft Platforms avionics and Payload systems currently rely on three main datalink standards for covering the on-board communication: 1553, Can Bus and SpaceWire. However, none of these technologies provide an efficient and reliable solution for future applications requiring more that 1Mbps of data transfer rate together with stronger real-time and quality of service requirements. For...
This presentation will focus on the system aspects of TSN adoption in future satellites and which specific challenges will have to be met to enable such adoption. It will also present which specific advantages are brought by TSN with respects to existing space communication technologies
Since some years, worldwide, an effort has been made to find a new candidate for time critical application busses and the ‘retiring’ of the MIL-BUS-1553 has been in some way triggered. While several candidates have showed up, a ‘universal heir’ has not yet being found.
In order to add a piece to this complex puzzle, GMV and Seven Solutions would like to present their work about Deterministic...
One of the innovations in the new generation of European launcher is the use of the Time
Triggered Ethernet for the communication system. This presentation will provide a feedback
from Ariane 6 experience with a focus on the communication controller configuration. Especially,
constraints regarding the schedule and the synchronization topics will be discussed.
RISC-V is an Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) that is rapidly growing in popularity in terrestrial applications. Its modularity and openness allow to implement the optimal microarchitecture for a wide range of applications in satellite data systems, ranging from microcontrollers to processors for Artificial Intelligence. Several open-source RISC-V processors are already available for...
The presentation will provide an overview of the work performed in the ITI activity Introduction of Fault-Tolerant Concepts for RISC-V in Space Applications. ARIES
Aerospace Research and Innovation in Electronic
Systems) part of Nebrija University (ES), Cobham Gaisler (SE), and QinetiQ Space nv (BE) have evaluated the state of the RISC-V ecosystem, with focus on processor core...
We introduce the first RISC-V orbital laboratory for microarchitecture fault-tolerance evaluation. The project builds on the space-qualified PULPino-compatible processor cores, belonging to the Klessydra core family, preliminarily introduced at the June 2019 RISC-V workshop. In small satellites, the use of Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) components is increasingly interesting, along with the...
There has been a directed move over the last decade towards Interoperability, Portability, and the heavy use of Open and Published Standards and Open Architectures that, in turn, allow for those terms listed above. This is a major shift in paradigms that outlines a new Modular world with open and well defined logical and physical interfaces to facilitate a new method by which we truly...