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TEC-EPS Final Presentations: Space environment and radiation effects

Newton 2 (ESA/ESTEC)

Newton 2


Keplerlaan 1 2201 AZ Noordwijk The Netherlands

The TEC-EPS Final Presentation Days, organised by ESA's Space Environments and Effects section, will take place on December 16 and 17, 2019 at ESTEC in room Newton 2. The two days will cover recent results from ESA's Space Environment R&D activities on space environment monitor developments and space environment modelling, analysis and simulation tools.


For more information on the activities of TEC-EPS, please visit the section website at       

  • Alan Owens
  • Alexi Glover
  • Anastasios Anastasiadis
  • Anatoli Miller
  • Athanasios Papaioannou
  • Balazs Zabori
  • Carlos Granja
  • Christian Schwarz
  • Daniel Heynderickx
  • David Rodgers
  • David Steenari
  • Eamonn Daly
  • Erwin De Donder
  • Fan Lei
  • Florine Enengl
  • Francesco Pintacuda
  • Francesco Ratti
  • Gabriel Duran Cardenas
  • Giovanni Santin
  • Gregoire Deprez
  • Henning Wulf
  • Hugh Evans
  • Ingmar Sandberg
  • Jens Rodmann
  • Johan Ideström
  • Jorgen Ilstad
  • Julien Forest
  • Karl Dietrich Bunte
  • Marco Povoli
  • Marco Vuolo
  • Mark Millinger
  • Maros Petro
  • Marta Bagatin
  • María de la Asunción Vivar y Cerrato
  • Melanie Heil
  • Michal Marcisovsky
  • Michele Muschitiello
  • Mika Holmberg
  • Milan Malich
  • Mustapha Zahir
  • Neophytos Messios
  • Nicolas Balcon
  • Patricia Marcos
  • Patrik Kärräng
  • Pedro Poiares Baptista
  • Pete Truscott
  • Petr Suchanek
  • Petteri Nieminen
  • Piers Jiggens
  • Robert ECOFFET
  • Seppo Korpela
  • Silvano Molendi
  • Simone Gerardin
  • Sophie Chabanski
  • Stefan Kraft
  • Thomas Berger
  • Véronique Ferlet-Cavrois