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17–19 Mar 2020
European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)
Europe/Amsterdam timezone
NEW!!! SEFUW 2023!!! The 2020 edition was postponed. Presentations and abstracts are left here for reference. Please check the 2023 edition of SEFUW at

Use of Cyclone V SoC in OPS-SAT mission of ESA

18 Mar 2020, 10:55
Newton 1 and 2 (European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC))

Newton 1 and 2

European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
Reconfiguration Reconfiguration


Vasundhara Shiradhonkar


OPS-SAT is using Intel’s Cyclone V SoC in its experiment processing platform. Since the mission is entirely about experimentation, this SoC will be used for different purposes. Experiments range from FPGA based machine learning algorithms to Linux based communication applications. It is the need of the mission to safely reconfigure the SoC in space according to the experiment requirements. The extent of reconfiguration differs with each experiment, with some experiments requiring only FPGA configuration to be updated, while some others need changes in the operating system. This presentation will give an overview of the boot flow of Cyclone V and explain how we are making use of the flexibility it offers.

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