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20–22 Oct 2020
Virtual Workshop
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

SEE detection (HCE) with Machine Learning algorithm on Atmel SAM3X microcontroller


Mr Adrien Dorise (LAAS-CNRS / CNES)


The miniaturization of electronical components was one of the major improvement that happened during the last decades. Spatial agencies followed this trend and satellites became more and more complex. However, by reducing the size of their components, satellites became subject to space radiation. Indeed, satellites aren't protected by the atmosphere and defects caused by energetic particles can happen. These events are called "Single Event Effect" (SEE) and as they can be destructive, it is important to protect the satellites against them. However, Single Event Effects are random and can take many forms, thus detecting and preventing them is complicated.
With the emergence of AI algorithms, new diagnostic methods appeared. The goal of this thesis project is to improve the threshold circuit protection using machine learning algorithms. The algorithms should be able to "learn" the nominal behavior of the satellite to detect a defect caused by radiation.

Presentation materials