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20–22 Oct 2020
Virtual Workshop
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Autonomous launchers with next generation GNC

21 Oct 2020, 16:20
Virtual Workshop

Virtual Workshop


Ms Martine Ganet (Ariane Group)


Next generation launcher shall follow and anticipate market evolution with wider spectrum of mission which means more versatility for GNC. GNC shall also enable mastering vertical or horizontal landing for stages reusability. Furthermore, use of SMART upper stages and liquid reusable engines open new perspectives for launcher mission extension, this means modulation use, adaptation, failure detection, reconfiguration and on board planification. It also opens the door for new on board strategies with less ground intervention.
All this this requires autonomous GNC, covering the ability to succeed given complexity, and, the combination of knowledge based and learning capacities.
The purpose of this presentation is to depict the context, the challenges and the opportunies for using articifical intelligence (AI) and machine learning theory for launcher GNC. It will give you our vision of what was already achieved and what remains to be done.
Autonomy is not a dream anymore. Each step will be a gain keeping in mind that we still have to have to answer a lot of questions: “What can we gain?”, “How can we trust AI?”, or, “What remains to be developped by all of us”?

Presentation materials