In the past year, two versions of Systema have been issued.
First the V4.9.1 version of Systema-Thermica was released and is available to users in fall 2021. This new version provides some enhanced performances affecting the model creation process, such as for example selection in the meshing, and how node condensation is handled. Moreover some features of the STEP-TAS protocol have been implemented in this latest version: following up the improvements that were done in 2020, Systema now embeds enclosure listing and full support of bulk material definition. Finally some improvements on the Python API and bug fixes were performed.
Also Systema V4.8.3P3 has been released last April 2021 to address some specific issues signalled by users.
Finally a segment will be dedicated to best practices used by our most experienced users at Airbus that can improve your daily use of Systema-Thermica. This part will address optimisation on creation and customization of the modeller and meshing parts.