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12–14 Oct 2021
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Experimental and numerical study of a SiC-Ammonia heat pipe

13 Oct 2021, 15:15


two-phase heat transport technology 2-phase technology


Guillaume Boudier (CNES)


The increasing demand in image quality provided by forthcoming observation missions requires both the need to use very low-CTE materials for focal planes, such as Silicon Carbide (SiC), and the need to accommodate electronics as close as possible to the detector. Such a highly integrated focal plane thus implies an efficient Thermal Control to drain the dissipated power and ensure a high temperature stability at detector level. One solution could be to design a focal plane with embedded grooved heat pipes which would drain power and homogenize temperature. A first step is then to demonstrate that such embedded heat pipes can be manufactured inside a SiC focal plane and work properly.

In the frame of a CNES Research & Technology activity, co-funded by CNES, a SiC-based heat pipe has been manufactured and assembled by Mersen Boostec, and characterization tests have been performed in CNES premises after filling it with ammonia. Besides, a simple thermal model was developed and compared to experimental results.
This presentation gives an overview of the manufacturing process and the main results obtained during the experimental campaign.

Primary author


Mr Marc Ferrato (Mersen Boostec) Mr Pascal Durand (CNES)

Presentation materials