Oct 18 – 20, 2022
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Thermal Sizing of a Lunar Rover using Simcenter 3D

Oct 19, 2022, 3:30 PM


thermal design (for platforms, instruments etc.) Thermal Analysis


Mr Jean-Francois Labrecque (MayaHTT)Mr Jean-Frederic Ruel (MayaHTT)


As the decommission of the International Space Station approaches, all eyes are set to the Moon as the next scientific hub for space exploration. Under the Artemis program, partners all over the world are developing missions to collect data and prepare the return of humans on the surface.

To support efforts for thermal analysis of lunar space systems, a sizing thermal model of a lunar rover was developed using SimCenter 3D Space System Thermal. This model demonstrates the strategy to perform the analysis of a lunar rover using the software. Several Moon surface models of different complexity are presented, and their accuracy is verified against measured data from the LRO Diviner mission. Furthermore, all analyses are done without resorting to custom user subroutines, making the sizing strategy accessible to users without a programming background.

This presentation will provide an overview of the model and show the results of various sizing cases. The evolution of collected solar energy for several Artemis candidate landing sites will be presented. The results will be evaluated during transient roving operations. The required initial energy to ensure night survival under different boundary conditions will be shown.

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