18–20 Oct 2022
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Radian: Thermal analysis software in the cloud

19 Oct 2022, 09:30


thermal analysis and software tools Thermal Analysis


David Criado Pernía (Radian Systems)


Radian is a thermal analysis software conceived to provide agility to engineers, both at modelling and computing processes. Our software is accessible through a regular web browser and counts on a scalable network of computing resources in the cloud. Thermal analyses are supported by the Databank, a catalogue of satellite components, materials, surface treatments, orbits, and attitude configurations. Importing and exporting thermal models compatible with other CAD and thermal analysis tools is also in development.

The underlying simulation engine reproduces the orbital environment and the thermal solution. Detection of penumbra, multibody eclipse, or telescope pointing are some of the featured aspects of the simulated conditions. Thermal models are based on lumped-parameter networks, linked by conductive couplings (supported by contact detection), and radiative couplings (computed by ray-tracing).

In December 2019, FossaSat-1 became our first case study to reach orbit. Since then, 15 satellites have reached orbit supported by our analyses, and all of them have successfully reported back thermal telemetry that correlates with the predicted ranges and margins.

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