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10–13 Oct 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Europe’s New Commercial Orbital Revenue Extension Mission

11 Oct 2022, 14:30
Auditorium in the Erasmus building

Auditorium in the Erasmus building

In-Orbit Servicing In-Orbit Servicing


Gayatri Patel (ClearSpace Today) Pierre Crucis (ClearSpace SA)
What is the field of your abstract? In-orbit servicing

Primary authors

Gayatri Patel (ClearSpace Today) Pierre Crucis (ClearSpace SA)


Aurélien Cuffolo (ClearSpace SA) Luzius Kronig (ClearSpace SA) Mohammed Almashat (ClearSpace SA) Noemy Scheidegger (ClearSpace SA) Rory Holmes (ClearSpace Today) Sergey Gugkaev (ClearSpace SA) Tarek Jany (ClearSpace Today)

Presentation materials