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10–13 Oct 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Improved Material Modelling for Destructive Re-entry Assessment

13 Oct 2022, 16:30
High Bay in the Erasmus building

High Bay in the Erasmus building

End-of-Life Management End-of-Life Management


James Beck (Belstead Research Ltd)
What is the field of your abstract? End-of-life management

Primary author

James Beck (Belstead Research Ltd)


Ian Holbrough (Belstead Research Limited) James Merrifield (Fluid Gravity Engineering) Prof. Peter Doel (UCL) Dr Berend Winter (UCL) Prof. Martin Jackson (University of Sheffield) Dr Yunus Azakali (University of Sheffield) Prof. Paul Bingham (Sheffield Hallam University) Ms Jessica Rigby (Sheffield Hallam University) Mr James Eales (Sheffield Hallam University) Mr Oliver Hohn (DLR) Thorn Schleutker (German Aerospace Center DLR) Mr Erhard Kaschnitz (OGI) Mr Benoit Bonvoisin (ESA-ESTEC)

Presentation materials