Dec 12 – 14, 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone


Session #2: Observatories and observation networks

Dec 13, 2022, 9:30 AM
Room H.I (ESOC)

Room H.I


Robert-Bosch-Str. 5 64293 Darmstadt Germany


Session #2: Observatories and observation networks: Presentations

  • L. Conversi (ESA)

Session #2: Observatories and observation networks: Presentations

  • There are no conveners in this block

Session #2: Observatories and observation networks: Open discussion

  • L. Conversi (ESA)


Survey systems and telescopes are of paramount importance in the discovery of imminent impactors. State of the art and future additions to the network of telescopes will be portrait in this session.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
L. Conversi (ESA)
12/13/22, 9:30 AM
E. Christensen (CSS), D.C. Fuls (CSS), A.R. Gibbs (CSS), S.M. Larson (CSS), R.L. Seaman (CSS), D. Fay (CSS), J.B. Bazekas (CSS), A.D. Grauer (CSS), B. Gray (CSS), H. Groeller (CSS), J.K. Hogan (CSS), R.A. Kowalski (CSS), J.G. Leonard (CSS), D. Rankin (CSS), A. Serrano (CSS), F.C. Shelly (CSS), J. Sosa (CSS), K.W. Wierzchos (CSS)
12/13/22, 10:55 AM

Catalina Sky Survey (CSS) has discovered three of the five imminent impactors detected to date. While the principal focus of CSS and other contemporary near-Earth object (NEO) surveys is to discover unknown larger members of the NEO population, CSS has demonstrated sensitivity to some smaller, nearby objects including imminent impactors during certain phases of their final approach. I will...

M. Juric (DiRAC Institute), A. Heinze (DiRAC Institute), Z. Langford (DiRAC Institute), J. Moeyens (DiRAC Institute), L. Jonnes (DiRAC Institute), T. Wagg (DiRAC Institute), S. Eggl (DiRAC Institute), S. Cornwall (DiRAC Institute), A. Berres (DiRAC Institute), M. Chernyavskaya (DiRAC Institute), Z. Ivezic (DiRAC Institute)
12/13/22, 11:30 AM

The Rubin Observatory is a new U.S. NSF/DOE-funded facility on Cerro Pachón, Chile, housing the 8.4m Simonyi Survey Telescope. The Observatory is in the final stage of construction, expected to achieve first light and enter commissioning in September 2023. Over a ten-year period Rubin will execute the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST). Enabled by its 9.6 square degree field of view, a...

Building timetable...