14–15 Sept 2022
UTC timezone


Drawing Inspiration from Nature

14 Sept 2022, 11:05
14th Einstein - 15th Earth and Space Meeting Rooms (ESTEC)

14th Einstein - 15th Earth and Space Meeting Rooms



Life finds a way: biomimetics allows us to draw inspiration from natural solutions to fundamental problems and translate them into new concepts and technologies. In this session we will explore some novel bio-inspired material and computing concepts and the next evolution of the field.

Presentation materials

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Christel Paille (European Space Agency)
14/09/2022, 11:05
Drawing Inspiration from Nature
Tobias Seidl (Westfälische Hochschule), Dr Chris Broeckhoven (European Space Agency)
14/09/2022, 11:15
Drawing Inspiration from Nature
Dominik Dold (Advanced Concepts Team), Alexander Hadjiivanov (Advanced Concepts Team)
14/09/2022, 11:45
Drawing Inspiration from Nature
Liv Moretto Sorensen (Advanced Concepts Team), Alexander Hadjiivanov
14/09/2022, 11:55
Drawing Inspiration from Nature
Alexander Hadjiivanov (Advanced Concepts Team), Chris Broeckhoven (Advanced Concepts Team), Dominik Dold (Advanced Concepts Team), Liv Moretto Sorensen (Advanced Concepts Team), Tobias Seidl (Westfälische Hochschule)
14/09/2022, 12:05
Drawing Inspiration from Nature
Building timetable...