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14–16 Mar 2023
European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)
Europe/Amsterdam timezone
Presentations available

AMD XQR Versal™ Adaptive Compute Acceleration Platforms for Space Applications

16 Mar 2023, 08:30
Erasmus High Bay (European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC))

Erasmus High Bay

European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
FPGA Vendors FPGA Vendors


Ken O'Neill (AMD)


Requirements for space sensor data to be sampled at rates in the hundreds of giga-samples per second combine with constraints in the growth of downlink bandwidth to force a dramatic increase in the need to process vast quantities of data aboard satellites. At the same time, emerging space programs face tight cost constraints and compressed development timelines. The AMD 7nm XQR Versal™ adaptive system-on-chip devices provide a flexible system architecture featuring massive amounts of scalar processing, vector processing, logic elements and memory, enabling seamless and reliable processing throughput and connectivity. XQR Versal devices have completed Class B qualification, adapted from Mil-Prf-38535 with modifications made by AMD for organic packages. They provide ample bandwidth for signal and data processing as well as machine learning (ML) inferencing, and allow for virtually unlimited on-orbit reconfigurability. This presentation provides an overview of the features of the XQR Versal devices, with an update on radiation data for the 7nm Versal in proton and heavy ion environments. We will cover the latest qualification results, and will review the materials and construction of the ruggedized organic package used in the XQR Versal ACAP devices.

Primary author

Ken O'Neill (AMD)

Presentation materials