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5–7 Dec 2023
Hyatt Place Pasadena
US/Pacific timezone

Radiations effects on FPGA devices in space missions

6 Dec 2023, 15:50
Hyatt Place Pasadena

Hyatt Place Pasadena

399 E Green St, Pasadena, CA 91101


Dr chafika belamri (Satellite Development Center)


Abstract— This paper presents an investigation on the radiative environments that FPGA devices may encounter, elucidating the mechanisms that play a role in particle-matter interactions and their resulting consequences, notably single event upsets (SEUs). SEUs are soft errors triggered by ionizing particles, which impart charges to storage elements within FPGAs, including configuration memory cells and user memory. The primary aim of this work is to calculate SEU cross sections induced by heavy ions and protons across diverse SRAM-based FPGA device families. Additionally, we determine for various orbital missions the upset rate for each FPGA device by using CREM96. Finally, we analyze the influence of sensitive volume depth on SEU rate predictions.

Keywords—Space radiation environment, single event upsets, , cross-section, SRAM-based FPGA.

Primary author

Dr chafika belamri (Satellite Development Center)


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