Dec 5 – 7, 2023
Hyatt Place Pasadena
US/Pacific timezone

General Information

After several years of pandemic, we are pleased to announce that the series of the Geant4 Space Users' Workshop –G4SUW- is now resuming. This is our great pleasure that NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Pasadena, California, is hosting this 15th edition of the G4SUW. A visit of the JPL laboratory is planned for the workshop participants and accompanying persons. The G4SUW is focused on new results on space radiation interaction with components, sensors and shielding analysis, to be confronted with the Geant4-based tools and developments applicable to space missions.  The particular topics of interest for this workshop include:

  • Effects on space electronics and science instruments
  • Shielding simulations and optimisation
  • Software interfacing Geant4 with space environment and/or effects tools (e.g. SPENVIS, FASTRAD)
  • Microelectronics micro- & nano-dosimetry
  • Single Event Effects (SEE) simulation.
  • Simulation of astronaut radiation hazards, including biological micro- & nanodosimetry
  • Planetary exploration applications
  • Magnetospheric and atmospheric propagation of galactic cosmic radiation and solar energetic particles
  • Geant4 toolkit improvements of significant benefit to space applications (e.g. in physics models, simulation speed, geometry treatment)






Hyatt Place Pasadena
399 E Green St, Pasadena, CA 91101
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