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5–7 Dec 2023
Hyatt Place Pasadena
US/Pacific timezone

New Geant4 model to simulate ultra-thin crystalline electromagnetic calorimeters for novel ultrahigh-sensitive gamma-ray space telescopes

7 Dec 2023, 11:20
Hyatt Place Pasadena

Hyatt Place Pasadena

399 E Green St, Pasadena, CA 91101


Dr Laura Bandiera (INFN Ferrara Division) Alexei Sytov (INFN Ferrara Division; Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)


Ultra-thin electromagnetic calorimeters exploiting electromagnetic processes in oriented crystals [1, 2] is a smart solution for gamma-ray space telescopes opening wide prospects for gamma-ray astronomy, in particular for the search of dark matter annihilation. Namely, these calorimeters allow to considerably reduce both the dimension and weight of gamma-ray space telescopes as well as to make available for direct observation ultra-high energy gamma-rays up to TeV scale. Moreover, due to orientational dependence of electromagnetic shower development in oriented crystals one can amplify the signal in a certain direction at the angular scale of ~mrad, i.e. the angular size of interesting astrophysical objects for the dark matter search, such as dwarf galaxies [3]. Furthermore, this orientational dependence can be potentially used for the measurement of the angle of incoming gamma-ray significantly reducing the complexity of the detector.

A large area (~10 m2) and small thickness cosmic detector would provide extraordinary sensitivity to point-like gamma-ray sources. Additionally, such kind of instrument will fit well the geometry of Starlink v2 Mini satellites simplifying the launch to the law orbit.

This application requires reliable Geant4 simulation model of electromagnetic showers in oriented crystals. We present a new simulation model of electromagnetic processes in oriented crystals [4] implemented into Geant4-11.2.0.beta. We validate the model with the experimental data as well as discuss our first steps towards full-simulation of the gamma-ray space detector.

[1] L. Bandiera et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 021603 (2018).
[2] L. Bandiera et al. Frontiers in Physics 11 (2023) 10.3389/fphy.2023.1254020
[3] A. Geringer-Sameth, S.M. Koushiappas et al. arXiv:1807.08740v1.
[4] A. Sytov et al. Journal of Korean Physical Society 83, 132–139 (2023).

We acknowledge support of the INFN through the CSN 5 MC-INFN and OREO projects. A. Sytov is supported by the European Commission (TRILLION, GA. 101032975). This work is also supported by the Korean National Supercomputing Center with supercomputing resources including technical support (KSC-2022-CHA-0003).

Primary authors

Dr Laura Bandiera (INFN Ferrara Division) Prof. Kihyeon Cho (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) Prof. Giuseppe Antonio Pablo Cirrone (INFN LNS) Prof. Richard Gaitskell (Brown University) Prof. Susanna Guatelli (Centre for Medical Ra- diation Physics, University of Wollongong) Viktar Haurylavets (INP BSU) Prof. Soonwook Hwang (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) Prof. Vladimir Ivanchenko (CERN) Prof. Savvas M. Koushiappas (Brown University) Dr Luciano Pandola (INFN LNS) Dr Gianfranco Paternò (INFN Ferrara Division) Prof. Anatoly Rosenfeld (Centre for Medical Radiation Physics, University of Wollongong) Dr Mattia Soldani (INFN LNF) Alexei Sytov (INFN Ferrara Division; Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) Prof. Victor Tikhomirov (INP BSU)

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