5–7 Dec 2023
Hyatt Place Pasadena
US/Pacific timezone

Electron Transport Differences in Solids and Shells

7 Dec 2023, 14:00
Hyatt Place Pasadena

Hyatt Place Pasadena

399 E Green St, Pasadena, CA 91101


thomas jordan (empc, experimental and mathematical physics consultants)


Electron transport is dominated by angular deflections below 10 MeV, with large deviations from the continuous slowing down approximation, csda, and straight-ahead methods used for higher energies and for heavier atomic ions.

EMPC will present comparisons between adjoint Monte Carlo benchmarks and
ray-trace approximations for spherical, cylindrical, and rectangular geometries, using tabulated attenuation tables, TATs, generated by 1d adjoint Monte Carlo and by SHIELDOSE versions 1 and 2 (NOVICE*seltzer). The ray-trace results include both slant-path and minimum-path modeling for solids and shells/enclosures respectively.

Spectra used in the comparison, generated by NOVICE*sofip (Stassinopoulos):

ISS: International Space Station, solar minimum and maximum
VAP: Van Allen Probe, solar minimum and maximum
GEO: geosynchronous, solar minimum and maximum
Enhanced electrons, aei7hi/lo, at ISS
Jovian: Clipper project data

The spectra include trapped protons and solar flare protons.

Comparisons include particle type to further delineate the unique character of electron transport in space radiation effects analysis, as documented during and after the NASA Voyager mission by the author.

Primary author

thomas jordan (empc, experimental and mathematical physics consultants)

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