Neutron radiation—encountered in healthcare, nuclear reactors, and the space environment—is extremely damaging to human health. On the lunar surface, galactic cosmic rays interact with the lunar regolith to produce albedo neutrons, which have energies ranging from sub-eV to tens of MeV, making it of critical importance to shield these albedo neutrons for manned space exploration missions....
Cosmic radiation can be divided into GCR (Galactic Cosmic Radiation) originating from outside the solar system, SCR (Solar Cosmic Radiation) originating from the Sun, and trapped particles in the Van Allen belt. Cosmic radiation is a high-energy particle that has a significant impact on satellites and humans operating in space. In particular, when cosmic radiation passes through electronic...
Abstract: In recent decades, 2D materials have garnered significant interest for electronic and optical applications, particularly in the aerospace sector. Understanding the potential damage to electronic devices and sensors based on 2D materials is crucial, especially given the critical need for effective yet lightweight radiation shielding to maintain the health of satellite sensors....