10–12 May 2004
Vanderbilt University
US/East-Indiana timezone

You are invited to attend a Geant4 Space Users’ Workshop, co-sponsored by the Radiation and Effects Analysis Group at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center GSFC REAG and the Vanderbilt University RERG (Radiation Effects and Reliability Group). The aim of the Forum is to bring together Geant4 users across the space domain. The event will accordingly consist of a half-day Geant4 update, followed by two days of users’ presentations, and by a Geant4 Technical Forum where the Genat4 users and developers will review and define new space user requirements. The Space Users’ Workshop will be held in Nashville, TN on May 10, 11, and 12, 2003. The meeting location is in 134 Featheringill Hall, on May 10 and 12, and in 5326 Stevenson Center on May 11. Both locations are on the Vanderbilt campus.

You can register on-line by going to: http://isde.vanderbilt.edu/geant4w-registration.htm
You can also fax your registration to (615) 343-6614.

The registration fee is $150.00 and includes continental breakfasts each day, breaks, lunch, and a dinner reception. We accept cash, checks made payable to “Vanderbilt University”, or credit cards. All payments must be received in US dollars. Payment is appreciated before the Workshop, but can also be accepted upon arrival.

Please check back at a later date

We have reserved a block of rooms for the nights of May 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, 2004, at the Embassy Suites Hotel at Vanderbilt, 1811 Broadway, Nashville, TN 37203. The hotel is within a short walking distance of campus, and maps will be available at the front desk. Complimentary shuttle service is also included. For more information about the hotel, visit www.embassysuites.com.

The group rate for the workshop is $119.00, plus tax, per night. Be sure to ask for the ‘Space User Workshop’ when making your reservations. You can make your reservations by the following methods:
Direct to hotel – (615) 320-8899
Toll-Free – 1-800-362-2779
The cut-off date for hotel reservations is April 8, 2004, when rooms will be released to the public.

*Very Important Note*: This is the week of Vanderbilt graduation, please make reservations in a timely manner.

If you have any questions, please contact us:
Mandy Conley (615) 322-3838 or mandy.l.conley@vanderbilt.edu
Connie Nichols (615) 343-5996 or connie.nichols@vanderbilt.edu

We look forward to seeing you on May 10th!
Vanderbilt University
Featherngill Hall Room 134
Nashville, TN