Geant4 updates
- Takashi Sasaki (KEK)
Geant4 electromagnetic (EM) physics sub-libraries are responsible for simulation of different radiation effects for space applications. The current status of Geant4 EM physics available with the recent Geant4 release 10.6beta will be discussed. Special attention will be made for new features and EM parameters allowing to configure a space related simulation application. The preview of EM...
The developments for low energy hadron/ion cross sections, pre-compound model, and de-excitation module will be described. For neutrons, protons and light ions a new data set has been released for Geant4 10.5 and updated for coming release 10.5. Classes, responsible for the Glauber-Gribov hadron/ion nuclear cross section were reviewed and updated. The new Fermi-Break-up model for light ion...