Fluid Gravity Engineering FGE have been active in destructive entry modelling for ground safety and planetary protection applications for well over a decade. Modelling approaches have evolved significantly during the past eight years and particular attention has been focused on: (i) methods to verify component level demise and (ii) methods to assist in Design for Demise (D4D) assessment. Balancing model fidelity with required run time; the ability to develop a stochastic model; the physical data available to modellers and; the relative accuracy of the various physical models is a challenge that all D4D modelling activities have to be prescient of. How to make best use of experimental data to support this approach is also an important question which has to be developed alongside modelling capability.
This paper describes how we have approached this balancing act during the past eight years and how this has been incorporated into the development of the Spacecraft Aero thermal Model (SAMj) jointly with Belstead Research Ltd (BRL).