20–24 Sept 2021
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

OHB’s current challenges and future solutions in LEO EoL

Not scheduled
Managing the end of life Managing the end of life


Mark Fittock (OHB)


OHB’s key challenges for LEO End of Life are in the selection of the best spacecraft design options available to fulfil the requirements of the missions at stake. The primary decision to be reached is whether the re-entry requirements can be met through controlled or uncontrolled re-entry. For some missions, the selection is clear, however, between these lie a trade-off space whereby either controlled or uncontrolled re-entry may be the preferable solution. These are often driven by the type of mission, the launcher, the propulsion system, or the payloads which are borne on the platforms. These assessments are based upon models for which considerable uncertainty still exists, improving the techniques and methods by which the spacecraft are modelled will assist in the selection of solutions. Despite the considerable technical and cost benefits for selecting uncontrolled re-entry due to the less propellant required, selecting this as the solution can often be hindered by the costs to adapt designs, embark more expensive unit solutions, and the heritage of current design options to enable compliance. This is also influenced by the need to resolve these at an early stage in the development lifecycle of satellites so that spacecraft can be designed and sized appropriately. Developments of further units and design solutions for satellites will allow the units which are key contributors to the casualty risk on ground to be tackled and enable more uncontrolled re-entry opportunities. Future solutions will be able to focus more often on uncontrolled re-entry scenarios, utilising a combination of Design for Demise elements in bespoke solutions tailored to fulfil not only the re-entry requirements but also those key to enabling successful missions.

Primary authors

Mark Fittock (OHB) Carmen Velarde (OHB System) Dr Charlotte Bewick (OHB System AG)

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