20–24 Sept 2021
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

LCA and eco-design of a launch service based on a reusable launcher

22 Sept 2021, 11:30
EcoDesign for Space Ecodesign for space


Léonard Pineau (CNES-ArianeWorks)


ArianeWorks, an innovation platform initiated by CNES and ArianeGroup, is currently developing Themis, a demonstrator of a low cost and reusable rocket stage paving the way for the 2030 European launch fleet. In consistency with an eco-design vision shared with its partners, ArianeWorks wants Themis to be a pathfinder for eco-friendly rocketry. In this regard, an ongoing internship aims at performing a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of a launch service based on a launcher derived from Themis, and at exploring eco-design solutions to prepare the future. The presentation will first describe the framework that was built to account for the reusability of the launch vehicle, which requires the use of an adapted functional unit and the introduction of new phases in the lifecycle. Preliminary results of the LCA will be subsequently presented and discussed. Then, this study having the particularity to be carried out during the early stages of the design of a launch system, a return on experience on associated difficulties and opportunities will be proposed.

Primary authors

Loïs Miraux (CNES-ArianeWorks) Léonard Pineau (CNES-ArianeWorks)

Presentation materials