20–24 Sept 2021
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


21 Sept 2021, 10:15
Debris removal and servicing Debris removal and servicing


Francisco Javier Atapuerca Rodríguez de Dios (GMV Innovating Solutions S.A.U.)


The project ADR-LEOCOM (Active Debris Recovery System for LEO Communications Missions) was a project in the frame of the ARTES program. The objective of this activity was to identify different business model architectures for debris removal systems together with the associated high-level Concept of Operations where applicable. After finding a valid business model, then an initial design of the associated chaser was made, including verification of the initial cost estimates of the service assumed in the business cases.
Nowadays, less than 9,000 objects have been launched to space. Around 5,000 are still in orbit, although only about 2,000 are operational. Besides these satellites, collisions and explosions have generated several thousands of debris pieces. To put a number, on average, two satellite failures per year in LEO result in a total loss of the satellite.
Moreover, recently there has been a cheapening on the access to space (led by the CubeSats paradigm). On the wake of this movement, new space concepts have appeared, like the mega-constellations being implemented for Telecommunications and Earth Observations purposes, which comprise hundreds and thousands of satellites in LEO.
Several studies indicate that to keep the debris population under control, the success ratio for disposal should be of 90% or 99% (higher than the current ratios). In order to keep the debris problem under control, new solutions have to be considered, as for instance the Active Removal of failed satellites, to avoid possible future collisions.
The objective of the ADR-LEOCOM project wass:
• to identify different business models for debris removal systems
• if a valid business model is identified, initial design of the debris
removal satellite
The presentation will go on the main points of the study, presenting the concept developed for the servicing.

Primary authors

Francisco Javier Atapuerca Rodríguez de Dios (GMV Innovating Solutions S.A.U.) Mr Angelo Tomassini (GMV) Mr Thiago Tavares (VVA Economics & Policy) Ms Sarah Scales (VVA Economics & Policy) Andrew Wolahan (ESA) Ana Cipriano (ESA) Mr Ryuichi Dunphy (QinetiQ Space nv)

Presentation materials