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5–6 Nov 2020
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Simulations of UV Emission from the Io Plasma Torus using the Colorado Io Torus Emission Package 2 (CITEP 2)

Not scheduled


Mr Edward Nerney (Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, USA)


In anticipation of the upcoming missions JUICE and Europa Clipper, we have built a 3D Io plasma torus emission model in order to simulate what we would expect to see from both UVS instruments looking at the Io plasma torus. The Colorado Io Torus Emission Package 2 (CITEP 2) calculates the line of sight given the position of each spatial pixel and pointing of the spacecraft and produces a synthetic spectrum given plasma densities and temperatures along the line of sight using the CHIANTI atomic database to compute volume emission rates. We compare our model with Cassini UVIS and Hisaki UV observations of the Io plasma torus. Further, we use the output from our 3D physical chemistry model for a 3D distribution of plasma to compare with observations and predict what we expect to see when JUICE and Europa Clipper arrive at Jupiter.

Primary author

Mr Edward Nerney (Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, USA)


Fran Bagenal (University of Colorado, Boulder, CO USA) Dr Randy Gladstone (Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas, USA) Kurt Retherford (SwRI, San Antonio, TX)

Presentation materials

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