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5–6 Nov 2020
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

An Alfvénic source for suprathermal electrons in the Io torus

Not scheduled


Drew Coffin (University of Alaska Fairbanks)


The Io-Jupiter interaction is a large source of Alfvénic wave energy that propagates to high latitudes and results in auroral emissions. We use a self-consistent two-dimensional hybrid gyrofluid-kinetic electron (GKE) model in a dipolar topology to simulate this wave energy propagation along the Io flux tube and examine the resulting wave-electron interactions. At high latitudes the interaction of electrons with inertial Alfvén waves are manifest as highly field-aligned broadband electron distributions (e.g. Damiano et al., 2019) that are consistent with recent Juno observations. Post-energization, the distribution functions maintain an elongated tail suggesting that energization of trapped electrons via dispersive scale Alfvén waves can be a source of suprathermal electrons critical to the torus energy balance (Bagenal and Delamere, 2011) and the Io torus physical chemistry (Coffin et al, 2020). The post-energization appearance of electron beams close to the Io torus also suggests that Alfvén-wave energized electrons could be a source of the observed trans-hemispheric beams (as proposed by Bonfond et al., 2008).

Primary author

Drew Coffin (University of Alaska Fairbanks)


Peter Damiano (University of Alaska Fairbanks) Peter Delamere (University of Alaska Fairbanks)

Presentation materials

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