1–3 Dec 2020
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

AMBER, the French plasma monitor, 4 years of spacecraft charging in LEO

2 Dec 2020, 15:30
Einstein (ESA/ESTEC)






The AMBER (Active Monitoring Box of Electrostatic Risk) charged particle detector on board the JASON-3 satellite orbiting at an altitude of 1336 km, was built in industry under the supervision of CNES, in collaboration with IRAP. Since February 2016, it allows the measurement of electrons and ions from 10 eV up to 27 keV along the satellite orbit. Its 180 ° field of view, divided into 4 sectors, points to the zenith. Various operating modes make it possible to acquire the energy spectra of ions and electrons in 64, 32 or 16 steps. This detector allows the measurement of auroral particles at high latitudes and also the charge of the satellite which develops when it is located in the shadow / penumbra of the Earth and is irradiated by intense fluxes of electrons of about ten keV. This presentation illustrates the main types of results provided by AMBER.

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