The first unit of the ESA Next Generation Radiation Monitor (NGRM) sensor - a pre-cursor of ESA distributed SWE Sensor System (D3S) – was switched on within the first hours after the launch of the European Data Relay System, Satellite-C (EDRS-C) on August, 2019. As a result, the NGRM unit has provided invaluable measurements during the GTO prior to its arrival at GEO 31 degrees East. The NGRM ground processor (GP), developed and integrated in the Payload Operation Data Centre, provides in real-time the processing chain from count-rate measurements, to a complete Level-0 dataset (count-rates with auxiliary data) and to Level-1 dataset (electron and proton fluxes). For the calculation of NGRM L1 datasets suitable methods were developed and applied utilizing the response functions of the NGRM unit as provided by the Paul Scherrer Institute. The derived flux products were evaluated using a series of third-party measurements made by space radiation detectors on-board EU Galileo satellites, Van Allen Probes, Himawari-8, Arase (ERG) and GOES-16. The first version of NGRM L1 datasets includes electron differential and integral fluxes within 0.18-2.9 MeV and 0.2-2 MeV respectively, while the energies of the flux levels for the differential proton fluxes covers the energy range 5-90 MeV. EDRS-C/NGRM datasets will become available at the Space Weather (SWE) data centre through suitable API and a dedicated webpage.
Acknowledgements: The work has been supported by the SSA P3-SWE-XXI NGRM Data Processing activity led by SPARC under ESA Contract No 4000127954/19/D/CT.