The D3S-RADMAG radiation monitor and space weather instrument concept is aimed to provide a market product combining the radiation and magnetic field measurement capability into one payload to be directly applicable within the D3S hosted payload concept of ESA. The instrument Radiation Monitor Unit (RM-RAD) includes a sophisticated, complex silicon detector based telescope, called RADTEL, with its associated interpretation logic behind. The telescope responses were modelled with a Monte Carlo tool called GRAS (Geant4 Radiation Analysis for Space) that was developed by the European Space Agency and based on the Geant4 toolkit. For the first study a simple spectrum, the descending branch of the function 1/x, was used for both protons and electrons in the corresponding energy range of interest. Based on these results the possible detector responses could be calculated and the initial logic for the channels were modified and optimized. Later this simple spectrum could be rescaled to several characteristic real like spectra to calculate the relative accuracies, contaminations and possible corrections to these.